3 Ratings and Reviews for Dr. Barclay of New Westminster, BC

Number of Ratings: 3   Average Rating: 3.5

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That kind of thkining shows you're on top of your game
Punctuality: 3
Caring/Helpfulness: 3
Knowledge: 3
The Staff: 4
Review Submitted March 28, 2013   OK Doctor Rating !!
It sounds like the cencar has spread which is common with many Breast cencar patients. The spread most common is for the cencar to go to the lungs ( often to the brain).With lung involvement, the tumors block off normal circulation to the lung tissue fluid accumulates, causing problems breathing also fluid retention in the lung lower parts of the stomach legs.Since the doctors are not going to do further treatments for her, she really needs hospice to be called (your doctor should OK this his office should be able to refer you to a hospice in your area).Usually hospice comes in during the last 6 months I think from what you say that is probably her prognosis.Hospice Nurses will come in, do an assessment order medications to help with her pain breathing, for now she needs to be made comfortable. No one knows how long she has for it could be days or months, but she deserves to be kept comfortable.They also will get her medical equipment (hospital bed, wheelchair,commode, walker, and oxygen to help her breathing), and arrange for nurses aide visits.Concentrate on making her comfortable now. God bless.
Punctuality: 4
Caring/Helpfulness: 3
Knowledge: 4
The Staff: 3
Review Submitted December 18, 2012   OK Doctor Rating !!
You WILL make this happen for ysuorelf! I am a big believer in visualizing. See the life you want, even down to the little things, like how you'll get to work or where you'll grocery shop, and I believe that it will come true! I can't wait to watch/read as this unfolds for you, Sara! (PS Your pics are making me want to move to Chicago! Could you please post some gray, windy, winter pics so I remember why I don't want to live there??? )
Punctuality: 4
Caring/Helpfulness: 4
Knowledge: 3
The Staff: 4
Review Submitted September 30, 2012   OK Doctor Rating !!

Moms and Dads Wanted !